Friday, April 27, 2012

When I get hurts

I don't know whether I should post this entry or shouldn't. However, I believe it's time. Frankly, I was very disappointed with you. YES! I repeat DISAPPOINTED! For God sake, who the hell on earth wont feeling upset when the most person that they literally trust on and hope to be with weren't there, and the saddest part is AGAINST ME FOR NO REASON! I'm asking you right now, where were you when I was in the middle of woes?

I kept asking myself, what did I've done to you? All this while, I treated you so nice, but you thrown me shits. Or you might needed me just for your own significant like what you did at the others? There's so many questions popped-out! Most of negativity questions I must say! You should know that! Yes I want you to know how much it hurts me. There's so much pains inside me, with what had been given from all of you onto me. I gave the best in me, but it might not enough for you you and you. I thought you were different than the others, but I was definitely wrong!

There's many obstacles during our relationship and hating us to be close. I watched your steps, I believe you can survived without me. You are still young, believe me if you pick wrong comrades to walk with, you might falling down. Your inner youth want something odd and rebel. If you don't know how to remote, you'll bite your own hands. Always think twice and wise. I still care about you, nevertheless.

I stepped back and washed my hands. I don't want to involve into troubles anymore. It's for our own good, though.. I'm tired of care too much about others feeling until neglected mine. So I guess, you can picture what I'm trying to convey here. Till then. 

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